PCID support on Illumos

I joined Joyent at the start of the year while Meltdown was breaking news; it was certainly an “interesting” time to start a new job. Luckily by my first week, Alex and Robert had pretty much figured out how the changes should look and made good inroads on the implementation. So I began working with Alex on his KPTI trampoline code (mainly involving breaking it with my old friend KMDB). I also picked up the PCID work which I describe here.

As you can probably tell from Alex’s blog post, Meltdown is unusual for a security issue: aside from the usual operational pains of any security patch, the fix itself involved some pretty significant code changes to the low-level core of the kernel.

There’s also another potential impact, and that’s performance. While the actual overhead is heavily workload-dependent - and some of the reports out there seem pretty alarmist - having to switch page tables (i.e. reloading %cr3) on every kernel entry and exit has a non-trivial impact on system call cost. Nor can we keep the kernel state in the TLB. Previously, we would set PT_GLOBAL on kernel mappings so they’re not flushed across a %cr3 reload, but as the CPU would happily use these TLB entries to speculate into the kernel, we must flush them.

The good news is that there’s a CPU feature on reasonably recent Intel CPUs called Process Context IDs. This lets you load the lower bits of %cr3 with a small integer value. This ID is used as a tag in any TLB lookups or fills. This feature is somewhat similar to ASIDs seen on other architectures, with one notable difference. The PCID applies to TLB state implicitly, that is, there’s no way to say “load from memory using this ID” in ddi_copyin() and the like.

One way of using PCIDs is to associate an ID with a struct as: that is, each time we load a process’s address space into the HAT, we will use a specific PCID for it, and avoid having to flush the mappings for the previous processes. This isn’t really a viable option for Illumos, though: if nothing else we suspect that the additional shootdown flushes needed (since we’d maintain TLB entries even after switching away from a process’s struct as) would counteract any performance gain.

Instead we define two fixed PCID values. PCID_KERNEL, defined as 0 mainly to keep the boot process simple, is used for the kernel %cr3. Thus, all TLB loads while in the kernel will be tagged with this value. PCID_USER is used when in userspace. Now, when we switch %cr3 on kernel entry or exit, we can do a non-flushing load. This lets us keep both the kernel and the userspace mappings around across kernel/user transitions.

When we do need to invalidate TLB entries, though, things are now slightly more complicated. We are by definition in the kernel (and hence using PCID_KERNEL), but we have to account for memory addresses below USERLIMIT. In this case, we have to flush both PCID_USER (for anything that ran in user mode) and PCID_KERNEL (for any accesses the kernel may have made such as with ddi_copyin()). hat_switch() is also a little more complicated. As the %cr3 load there is non-invalidating, we have to explicitly flush everything if we’re switching away from a non-kas HAT, to clear out now-stale user-space mappings. (Note that this has always been done eagerly on Illumos, even when switching to a kas HAT).

The INVPCID instruction is what enable us to flush PCID_USER while in the kernel. Unfortunately, support for INVPCID came quite some time after PCID itself. On such systems, we have to emulate, and the only way Intel gives us to do this is to load the ID into %cr3 before invalidating the TLB entries. We don’t want to “pollute” PCID_USER with any extraneous kernel mappings, so this means we need to switch to the user page tables when loading PCID_USER. But, remember, KPTI requires us not to have kernel text (or stack!) mapped into these page tables. So we have to first make sure we’re in the trampoline text before doing the invalidations: see tr_mmu_flush_user_range.

For those interested, Alex posted a draft webrev of the PCID changes.